HEVI-XII In Action!

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hunter holding HEVI-XII packaging and a rifle

"Seaduck hunting was a right of passage for me growing up...big water, fluctuating tides, long lines, freezing temps, tough birds...it's a special kind of hunt for the waterfowler with a twisted mind.  My gameplan for seaduck hunting was always to figure one box of shells for your limit and throw another box or two in for chasing cripples.  

Enter HEVI-Shot. Last week my world was flipped upside down when I took an SBEIII 20 gauge to the Long Island Sound to hunt scoters. Just four shots into the morning, I had my limit.  Four shells. Four scoters.  I'm talking stone-dead, belly-up birds that in the past resembled miniature tanks that steel shot almost bounced off.  But I'm here to tell you that 20-gauge Tungsten 4's has completely rewritten the script for waterfowl hunters across the board and is hands down the deadliest load I've ever hunted ducks with.  Hats off to the HEVI-Shot team on this one! HEVI-XII is just plain mean...period!" 

-Jamieson Crast, hunter/videographer


Density Matters. If you throw a ping pong ball and golf ball at the same velocity, which will travel further and hit harder? This is the core of what our 12 g/cc tungsten shot is all about: Hit harder at farther distance. HEVI-XII is 53.8% more dense than steel, which translates to double the downrange energy! This allows you to drop down 3 shot sizes for the same lethality. This gives you 28% more devastating pellets on target. More kills. Fewer Cripples. Better Stories. Pack in with HEVI-XII and walk out carrying extra weight.

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12 gauge HEVI-XII packaging and shotshells

“The days of carrying 2 boxes of shells to the marsh are over. With one box of HEVI-XII you’re set for multiple hunts. If I do my job, the shell more than does its job. Did I mention cripples are a thing of the past? Shooting HEVI-XII, I’m able to shoot two shot sizes smaller, putting more pellets on target and hitting harder than ever before. I’m smacking mallards with 6s and thumping honkers with 4s. This stuff is straight up brutal! It shoots clean, and your birds are dead on the water.  Not only are you gonna love HEVI-XII, but your dog will also thank you as well!” 

-Ricky Keller, hunter/photographer